Photo Credit: Tarique Sani via Compfight cc
As I watch my clients and the MBA students I coach progress in their careers, I’ve learned that one key to being successful is vulnerability. Although it may seem counterintuitive, being vulnerable is actually fundamental to reaching your professional goals.
When searching for a job and building a career, one of the most critical things you have to do is to talk about your job search and your career aspirations with other people (aka: networking). Not only do you need to initiate these conversations with people in your circle, you must reach out to people you don’t know, and this requires you to allow yourself to be vulnerable, to embrace rejection, and to move outside your comfort zone.
It’s a proven fact: People who network as part of their job search consistently produce superior results compared to those who sit comfortably at home and apply for jobs online. Now I’m talking real networking here – having meaningful conversations with professionals in your field, not showing up at a local READ MORE